Joined on 2/23/19
Prov22 2021-04-09 12:32:43
Bro, please, start using animated blood particles and original krink's sprites
FruitMaster 2021-04-09 12:32:43
Don't worry. I will come to them with my next project, buddy. This was probably my last time i do use my own stuff. As well as i think about making my own blood parcticles to use them regulary.
DaKedar 2021-04-11 02:53:23
masz discorda szymi?
FruitMaster 2021-04-11 02:53:23
Sorry, no. No time for monkey buissness.
DaKedar 2021-04-12 08:29:19
@FruitMaster Co kurwa No dawaj, no
Bro, please, start using animated blood particles and original krink's sprites
Don't worry. I will come to them with my next project, buddy. This was probably my last time i do use my own stuff. As well as i think about making my own blood parcticles to use them regulary.